Thursday, January 21, 2021

Holiday Clean Up and Storage Ideas

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Did you forget what color the carpet is? All your drawers are stuffed and you are afraid of a possible avalanche, in case you want to open one? Can't close the closet doors anymore, no matter how hard you try? Can't you find the cat in all the mess in your house? Then you need some organization in your life – and a cleanup, especially considering that holidays are done.

Here are some useful ideas.

1. Before you start organizing and cleaning things up, go to each room and estimate the existing situation. This will give you an idea of what you have to do and how long it will take. Everything becomes more bearable when you have a “battle plan”!

2. Start by arranging larger areas first, where the results of your efforts become visible faster – it is a kind of incentive to keep working.

3. Before you start sorting objects, prepare four large cardboard boxes and write on each one: "Keep", "Throw away", "To give", "I don't know"; doing so will make it easier for you to understand what to do with so many things that piled up in your home.

4. Wash your carpets and curtains

5. Do not forget to set aside the pieces of furniture in the room, to wipe the dust gathered underneath them.

6. Clean all your windows, doors, floors and the washable surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. Utilize storage near me units for extra big items and even organized boxes to help solve the lack of storage at your home.

Original Post over here: Holiday Clean Up and Storage Ideas


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