Tuesday, December 15, 2020

How to Declutter Your Home Before the Holidays

Home ready for Christmas Holiday celebrations storage units helpful

Clutter tends to keep accumulating in any household, gradually taking over useful space. Most people put up with having less and less space in their home until something happens and they decide that enough is enough. If you are in this situation, too and you want to get rid of all those unused, broken things in time before the holidays, here are some tips for you:

- Start with decorations – if you are like most homeowners, you probably have lots of decorations that you don’t need, don’t love and that don’t even have emotional value, but that occupy precious horizontal space. Get rid of them first, to make space for your great holiday decorations;

- Clear your attic – be prepared for a huge task. The best way to do it is to create three piles: one for the items that are broken and useless, one for the things that you can still or donate and one for things that you need and use, indeed. When you have everything sorted, toss the useless things to the bin, get rid of the useful, but unneeded items and place the useful items in easy to reach places;

- Continue in the other rooms using the same method;

- Announce a garage sale or donate – use the items that are still functional to make someone else happy. You can also rent one of the indoor Killeen storage units and sort through it after the first of the year if time is of the essence.

First Seen right here: How to Declutter Your Home Before the Holidays

source https://killeenstoragesolutions.com/how-to-declutter-your-home-before-the-holidays/

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