Friday, November 6, 2020

How to Prepare Your Boat for Winter Storage

Prepare For Winter Boat Storage

Moving your precious boat to a suitably protected storage facility for the winter is the best way to ensure the safety and the security of your precious vessel while it is out of use. Here are some tips about how to prepare the boat for the move to the storage facility:

- Clean the boat – give your boat a thorough cleaning to make it last longer. Clean the body inside and outside and refresh the exterior waxing to make the surface more resistant;
- Change the oil – even if your boat is not started during the cold months, replacing the oil in the engine as well as the oil filters is important for protecting the system from corrosion and will also ensure that your boat will start on the first key the next year;
- Prepare the fuel system as well – top up the fuel in your boat, too, to make sure that the fuel system is protected;
- Remove the drive belt and the battery – drive belts tend to get damaged if they are under tension without the engine running for a long time and batteries also need some comfort to survive idle periods without getting damaged, so make sure to remove both components before putting your boat away for the winter. There are several wonderful storage locations to research and you can start with

First Posted right here: How to Prepare Your Boat for Winter Storage

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