Friday, July 24, 2020

When can they take my stuff from storage if I don’t pay?

paying storage unit no pay guidelines

People who rent containers in storage facilities do it for various reasons and time spans. In some cases, they keep things there indefinitely. However, the rent must be paid, otherwise there will be consequences that may culminate with the loss of your personal possessions, which will be auctioned.

When you rent a storage container, you sign a lease – and everything about paying or not paying the rent is clearly stated there. First, your storage unit will go into default. Typically, you will have 30 days that you can go without paying for it, but once you are in default, your access to your storage container will be restricted. The door lock will be changed and you will get a letter cautioning you against trying to force entry. The facility`s representatives will try to contact you more than once to remember you about paying your rent, so make sure you let them know about any recent modification of your contact information (address, email, phone), to prevent missing important communication.

Even if you are in default, you may still have some time before going off to auction. Most companies wait for 30-60 days, depending on your state`s lien. Make sure to contact the storage facility as soon as you can, even if you could not pay your rent for a while, explain yourself and try to strike a deal because you have the chances to get an alternative to auction, such as setting up a payment plan that may include discounted rent for a certain period, if you pass through some difficult financial times. Look at details regarding storage guidelines at

Originally Posted here: When can they take my stuff from storage if I don’t pay?

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